Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Omnet++ vs Ubuntu 11.10 and the winner is....

Hey everyone,

Did you encounter any problems running Omnet++ simulation after an update to Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) ?

Well if you are getting this error message:
 Error during startup: No user interface (Cmdenv, Tkenv, etc.) 
Then you will be happy to know there is a solution! Yes, all the credit goes to Omnet++ team, specially Horning Rudolf for posting the solution here.

It is very simple:

In Makefile.inc.in find the following lines (towards the end): 
CMDENV_LIBS = -u _cmdenv_lib -loppcmdenv$D -loppenvir$D 
TKENV_LIBS = -u _tkenv_lib -lopptkenv$D -loppenvir$D -lopplayout$D 
and replace them with:
CMDENV_LIBS = -u _cmdenv_lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -loppcmdenv$D -loppenvir$D 

TKENV_LIBS = -u _tkenv_lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -lopptkenv$D -loppenvir$D

make clean

This should work with all omnet 4.x version. Spread the info for other users
suffering from the issue. 

That's it. Enjoy and spread the word.